Certificate in Urban/Rural Church Management
Coming Soon!
The Certificate in Urban/Rural Ministry is a continuing education program designed to provide an organized, structured series of ten (10) courses for ministers and lay persons who want to improve their knowledge and preparedness for ministry. The CT is an online program open to all interested individuals, with or without college degrees.
Cost of Attendance
Full Tuition: $2250
Admission Application: FREE
Registration: $50 (non-refundable)
Total Cost: $2300 per Certificate Program for Tuition and Registration
Cost per class: $225 | One-Time Registration: $50
The Program commitment requires four to six months of study to complete ten (10) courses that are 4 weeks in length. Class sessions are once a week and multiple courses are offered during each Fall and Spring term.
Courses Offered (Noncredit)
All ten (10) courses must be successfully completed to receive a Certificate in Urban/Rural Ministry.
Contemporary Issues in Urban/Rural Ministry
Race Relations and the Church
Social Justice Issues in the Black Church
The Social Mission of the Black Church
Pastoral Care and Family Systems
Theory and Practice of Evangelism
African American Liberation Theology
The Social Mission of the Church
Field Education Experience
Christian Education and Liberation Themes
TUITION & FEES (Non-refundable):
Course Tuition is $225.00 per course. Course Registration fee is $50 payable at time of registration. Total Tuition and fees per course is $275. This payment schedule must be followed by all students.
Total Cost: $275 per course for Tuition and Registration